

10월 11, 2022 - 10월 17, 2022


Paper 1: Digital Twin-Enabled Data Prediction-Based Monitoring System for IoT using Deep Learning (Thesis)
Paper 2: Data Prediction-Based Virtual Sensor in Digital Twin Scenario using Deep Learning Approach (ICTC)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1:
- Continue paper writing progress and conduct meeting with professor Lee for advice

Paper 2:
- Prepare presentation for conference

This Week Todo's

Paper 1:
- Continue paper writing progress and conduct meeting with professor Lee for advice

Paper 2:
- Prepare presentation for conference

Project Progress

Black ice detection

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

Analyze the public dataset and dataset given by the company
Train the model using public dataset

This Week's Project

Migrate the code to nsl server for faster training progress
Transform video dataset to images using python programs (in progress)

Monthly Goals

Complete paper writing progress

Annual Goals

Submit to iot journal/conference