

8월 4, 2014 - 8월 10, 2014


1. An Application of OpenFlow for Industrial Control Networks (A)
2. 802.11 Medium Access Control DCF and PCF: Performance comparison (B)
- extend the paper

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-An Application of OpenFlow for Industrial Control Networks (A)
Implement routing algorithm in controller
Continue to write paper
Read document of Mininet (A)
-Because of OpenFlow in Omnet++ is version 1.0, so it doesn’t support fast failover group -> Change simulation tool to Mininet which currently support OpenFlow 1.3
-802.11 Medium Access Control DCF and PCF: Performance comparison (B)
Find an idea to extend the paper

This Week Todo's

-An Application of OpenFlow for Industrial Control Networks (A)
Implement routing algorithm in controller
Continue to write paper
-Read document of Mininet (A)
-Run simple OpenFlow network using virtual machine
802.11 Medium Access Control DCF and PCF: Performance comparison (B)
Find an idea to extend the paper

Project Progress

Samsung Thales Project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Server virtualization
+ Receive new server
+ Analyze requirement and do the installation

This Week's Project

-Server virtualization
+ Receive new server
+ Analyze requirement and do the installation

Monthly Goals

-Complete 2 papers

Annual Goals

-Master in OPNET