

10월 17, 2022 - 10월 22, 2022


Ebuka Nkoro

Title 1: Industrial Network Attack Vulnerability Detection and Analysis using Shodan Eye Scanning Technology.
Target: ICTC 2022 (Accepted)

Title 2: Automatic License Plate Detection System Using Quick Response (QR) Codes.
Target: KICS (Fall) 2022

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Paper research and reference building for KICS Fall paper.
-Performed QPlate scanning using the openCV python library Pyzbar
-Surveyed 2 papers on Machine learning
-Participated and learnt from the Metamonkey exhibition in Gumico

This Week Todo's

i)Attend ICTC 2022
ii)Submit KICS Fall paper
iii)Take a YouTube course to understand the meaning and methods of simulation results
iv) Try to Cover (Functions) in Python

Project Progress

Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Download datasets for SOC parameter identification and watched YouTube courses for assigned task in MATLAB.
-Wrote part of my paper allocation of the BMS project. (Related works on DT in BMS)

This Week's Project

-Attend to all assigned task by project leaders.
-Continue assigned paper writing tasks

Monthly Goals

Further research paper on Machine Learning License Plate Detection & Recognition, for Autonomous Vehicles
-Study and complete online course on Python Programming for AI
- Study Machine Learning
-submit KICS
-Attend and participate in ICTC 2022

Annual Goals

-Write a journal paper

-Submit and attend all NSL Approved Conference papers

-Attend to all project tasks

-Master Python Programming and one ML simulation tool.