

10월 17, 2022 - 10월 23, 2022


Title 1: Duplicate Audio Data Detection Model Based on IPFS and Blockchain using Smart Contract
Submitted to: KICS Winter 2022 (accepted)

Title 2: HADES: Hash-based Audio Detection System for Copyright Protection in Decentralized Music Sharing Platform
Submitted to: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (major revision)

Title 3: Genuine-assurance Scheme for Digital Assets Validation using Blockchain Technology
Submitted: KICS Summer 2022 (accepted)

Title 4: Blockchain-based Digital Badge for Academic Achievement Using Non-transferrable NFT
target: KICS Fall 2022

Title 5: Soul Badge: Digital Badge As Attendance Proof using Soulbound Token
Target: IEEE Journal

63% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 4:
- started writing the introduction and related works

Title 5:
- continued to fix the revocation bug
- continued to gather more related studies on blockchain-based digital badge

This Week Todo's

Title 2:
- received a new revision from reviewers (major revision)

Title 4:
- write the proposed framework and conclusion
- paper submission

Title 5:
- continue to fix the revocation bug
- continued to gather more related studies on blockchain-based digital badge

Project Progress


56% Progress
Last Week's Project

Pure Wallet
- found a library for Bluetooth connections that works for iOS
- found a QR code library, tested on real android phones

This Week's Project

- test the QR code library on iPhone
- continue to find Bluetooth connections library that works cross-platform for both iOS and android

Monthly Goals

1. Complete the smart contract for Soul Badge
2. Complete the first two chapters of the summer intensive
3. Submit one conference paper

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least one international journal
2. Attend one international and two domestic conferences
3. Finish the Pure Wallet implementation