Paper 1: Deep-Block: Blockchain-assisted Secure and Energy Efficient UAV-BS Deployment Using Deep Learning (Target: IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology)
Paper 2: Blockchain Inspired Intruder UAV Localization Using Lightweight CNN for Internet of Battlefield Things (Target: MILCOM 2022 [Accepted])
Paper 3: Lightweight Blockchain Assisted Unauthorized UAV Access Prevention in the Internet of Military Things (Target: ICTC 2022 [Accepted])
Paper 4: Development of Luminance Based System for Black Ice Detection to Prevent Transportation Calamities (Target: KICS Fall 2022)
Collaboration work-in-progress (WoP)
Paper 5: A Metaverse Approach: Web Inside of Web (Target: IEEE Network Special Issue) [Working with Tuli]
Paper 6: Metaverse Integrated Autonomous Vehicular Systems (Target: IEEE Industrial Informatices) [Working with Tuli]
Paper 5:
* Go through with review process from NSL members and recieved some feedbacks
Paper 4:
* Started working on the survey work related to the topics
* Started designing the system model concepts
Paper 4:
* Start writing the paper and finish it by this week
* Continue the system model design and simulation design
* Finalize the paper and submit before the deadline
Black Ice Detection
* Extracted the images from videos for the datasets provided by the company
* Worked on the errors on the Densenet-169 model
* Continued the Densenet-169 model simulation using datastes_1
* Continue the Densenet-169 model development
* Start the dataset labelling task
* Make the ppt file for ICTC and submit the final video for presentation
* Complete the review comments corrections and submit the final manuscript of MILCOM
* Finish the Journal paper working with Tuli and submit it by this month
* Finish the implementation work of my own Journal paper
* Attend the ICTC conference 2022
* Get accepted at least one SCI journal and submit as many as possible
* Attend as many competetive international conferences
* Make sure to learn and gain depth knowledge about the AI, Digital-Twin, and MetaVerse