

10월 17, 2022 - 10월 23, 2022


IoT-Assisted Intelligent Vehicle Tracking System using Cloud Computing

100% Progress
Last Week's Progress

*Researched about how to improve the technology used in the paper using 5G network.

This Week Todo's

*Continue to research about how to upgrade the technology used in the paper using 5G network

Project Progress

Embedded System for private key storage and implementation

29% Progress
Last Week's Project

*Installed Arduino IDE and researched more about Arduino nano.
*Researched about UART communication protocol.
*Implemented Ethereum private network with 3 nodes.
*Brainstormed with the project team on the project design flow.

This Week's Project

*Create an android application that will receive the private key from the Arduino.
*Test the embedded system with the android application and other android applications.
*Have a meeting with the project team to ensure that we are on the same page as regards to the design flow.

Monthly Goals

*Learn and understand solidity programming language.
*Apply solidity programming language to Blockchain smart contract creation.

Annual Goals

*Complete at least one conference paper.
*Complete at least one journal paper.