

10월 24, 2022 - 10월 30, 2022


Mst Ayesha Khatun
->Title 1: "Edge based deep learning model for Black Ice Detection"
KICS Fall 2022
-> Title 2: "Bangla sign language recognition for user experience in metaverse"
(just started)

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-> KICS Conference Paper
-> Worked with dataset
- Continued the Machine learning Courses

This Week Todo's

->Study metaverse to contribute "Bangla sign language recognition for user experience in metaverse"
->Finish and submit KICS
->Study ML and Python

Project Progress

Black Ice detection

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

-> worked with dataset labelling
->Dataset segmentation for training and testing purpose

This Week's Project

->Contribute as a project member to the assigned task of the project

Monthly Goals

-> Finish the course of Machine Learning
-> Learn CNN and its application
-> Submit KICS and prepare for the next conference

Annual Goals

1. Publish conference papers (Domestic/International)

2. Publish at least one International Journal (SCI/SCIE)

3.Gather skill on Machine Learning