

10월 24, 2022 - 10월 30, 2022


Title 1: Tractable Minacious Drones Aerial Recognition and Safe-Channel Neutralization Scheme for Mission Critical Operations
Target: IEEE Industrial Informatics (Rejected: Out-of-Scope)/ETFA 2022 (Accepted)

Title 2: ITCM: IT Convergence Model for Real-Time Ubiquitous Vaccination Verification and Authentication
Target: ICTC 2021/ACM Info System

Title3: PID: Pervasive Intrusion Detection Scheme to Mitigate Sensor Attacks on UAV Networks
Target: Winter Intensive/KICS Summer Conference 2022 (Accepted)/ICT Express

Title4: VisioNET Dataset: An Aerial Dataset for Scenario-Based Multi-Drone Detection and Identification Research
Target: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Title 5: SimNet: UAV-Integrated Sensor Nodes Localization for Communication Intelligence in 6G Networks
Target: APCC 2022 (Accepted)

Title 6: Drone Warfare: Reinforcement Learning Detection Technique for UAV-Ghost Gun Terror Operations
Target: MILCOM 2022 (Rejected)

Title 7: Hierarchical Intrusion Detection System for Secured Military Drone Network: A Perspicacious Approach
Target: MILCOM 2022 (Accepted-Co working with Vivian)

Title 8: Drone Transportation System Security: A TEAS Paradigm for Countering Invasion
Target: IET Intelligent Transport System (Rejected)

Title 9: Connected Innovation Intelligence for Smart-Based Water Quality Monitoring System in IIOT Application
Target: Summer Intensive/ICTC 2022/IEEE IoT (Accepted)

Title 10: Self-Supervised MIMO System for Autonomous Underwater Navigation Operations
Target: ICMIC 2022 (Accepted and Presented)

Title 11: Octopus-Inspired Robot for Underwater Exploration in Military Internet of Battle Operations and Surveillance
Target: ICTC 2022 (Co-working with Dini)(Accepted)

Title 12: Synergistic Intelligent Aerial Surveillance Approach in Decision-Centric Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems
Target: ICOIN 2023 (Submitted)

Title 13: AI-Trust in Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Centric Systems: Introspection of Security Architectures
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Submitted)

Title 14: Droneillance and Detection Dynamics: A Review of Radar Techniques and Trends
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Processing) [Co-working with Dini]

Title 15: Mobility-Compliant Model in Drone-Based Sniffing Technique for Aerial Surveillance and Security
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Processing) [Co-working with Vivian]

Title 16: RF-Based Drone Detection using AI Models: Results, Trends, and Open Issues
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Processing) [Co-working with Urslla]

45% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Title 5: (a) Prepared conference presentation and video
(b) Submitted a video for a conference presentation
(c) Attended conference and presented paper orally

-Title 12: Submitted and awaiting feedback

-Title 13: Submitted the paper to the conference portal

-Title 14: Submitted the paper to the conference portal

-Title 15: Submitted the paper to the conference portal

-Title 16: Submitted the paper to the conference portal

-Participated as a volunteer staff for APCC and ICTC 2023

This Week Todo's

-Title 9: (a) To conclude the paper and submit it to the professor for internal review
(b) To submit the paper to the approved journal manuscript portal
(c) To attend the conference and present paper
-Title 10: (a) To adjust paper content for journal submission
-Title 12: Submitted and awaiting feedback
-Title 13: Submitted and awaiting feedback
-Title 14: Submitted and awaiting feedback
-Title 15: Submitted and awaiting feedback
-Title 16: Submitted and awaiting feedback

Project Progress

Anti-drone detection system

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Continued with dataset preprocessing
-Concluded on ideas of emerging concept
-Presented findings at APCC and ICTC 2023

This Week's Project

-To continue with dataset preprocessing
-To commence system design and model
-To brainstorm with team members

Monthly Goals

-To continue studying self-supervised learning and NFT
-To submit Titles 2,3 and 4
-To resubmit title 1 to another journal

Annual Goals

-To submit at least 8 journals (4 done) and 4 publications (2 done) (50% accomplished)
-To attend at least 6 conferences (100%) accomplished