

10월 24, 2022 - 10월 30, 2022


Smart contract
Blockchain layer 2 and product utility

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

* Blockchain
* NFTs
* Smart contract
* Metaverse
* DeFi
* Layer 2 paper research
* Finished JavaScript
* Started Solidity
* Started research on Green coin

This Week Todo's

* Continue research on blockchain layer 2 papers
* Enhance smart contract research
* Commence solidity programming of smart contracts

Project Progress

creativia, product utilities of blockchain layer 2, develop layer 2 protocol

2% Progress
Last Week's Project

* Continue research on NFTs and smart contracts
* Amid hardhat programming for smart contracts and DeFi
* Finished JavaScript
* Started Solidity
* Started research on Green Coin

This Week's Project

* Master solidity for smart contracts
* Finish JavaScript Reviews
* Continue and Finish Green Coin research
* Start React javascript

Monthly Goals

* Master solidity for smart contracts
* Research on utilities of NFTs for target applications
* Start intense layer 2 protocol research

Annual Goals

To become proficient in:

* Solidity
* Smart contracts
* DeFi (decentralized Finance)
* DAOs
* Blockchain layer 2 product utilities

*** The end goal is to develop a functional NSL coin and NFTs and to develop an target application layer 2

***Delivery Time-Frame: Summer 2023