

10월 31, 2022 - 11월 6, 2022


- Lightweight Smart Contract with Project Auction Feature for 3D Object Production (IEEE TSNM) Major Revision (R1 Done - 14 September 2022)

- KICS Paper about part of Industrial Energy Auction Platform Smart Contract (Done)

- Major Part of the paper is the previous Summer Intensive (Currently Postponed due to Project Code Review and Pure Wallet New UI)

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- KICS Fall 2022 Done, taking suggestions from professors & submitting this week
- Pure Wallet 2.0 Version 2 UI Development (Still waiting for the design as of Monday, 24 Oct 2022) will start to develop as soon as we get the design

This Week Todo's

- Waiting for the Acceptance/Revision, hopefully, the middle of November
- KICS done

Project Progress

Human Activity Recognition.

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

i visited Gtihub regarding dataset issues.

i requested for help from senior colleagues with respect to dataset but the problem remained unresolved due to underlining issues with most RF datasets.

i requested for change in project at capstone class due issues with RF preprocessing script.

i had a brief session with project leader with regards to new project assigned to me by prof.Lee.

i read some articles and went through some research paper to understand the concept of HAR.

This Week's Project

To report to my group leader based on task allocation with the new project and gain more clearity with project.

To introduce the new project(HAR)in capstone presentation, concept, application, issues and related works surveyed.

To Continue to survey papers on HAR.

Monthly Goals

To have some level of knowledge with python, ML and ANN.

To survey at least 10 papers on HAR

To initiate a title 2 research topic.

To run at least 1 simulation in ML.

Annual Goals

To attend at least 1 domestic conference.

To attend at least one international conference.

To master python skill for ML.

To have a good knowledge of ANN

To write one journal paper