

8월 11, 2014 - 8월 17, 2014


[C] title 1 (jour.): Adaptive Spectrum Handoff Scheme for Cognitive Sensor Networks
[B] title 2 (conf.): Hybrid Energy-Aware Scheduling Based on Renewal Process in Real-Time System
[A] title 3 (conf.): Renewal process - application on energy-aware routing in cognitive radio networks
[B] title 4: UWB cognitive radio networks

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[C] title 1 (jour.): wait for review comments.
[B] title 2 (conf.): Simulation setup: explain about how to choose simulation parameters.
[A] title 3 (conf.): Correct formulas based on review comments from ATC: false alarm probability and miss detection probability
[B] title 4 (seminar): System model (draft) for spectrum handoff in cognitive UWB radio

This Week Todo's

[C] title 1 (jour.): wait for review comments.
[B] title 2 (conf.): system model: try to finish this section of the paper
[A] title 3 (conf.): finish final version and send to ATC for camera ready submission
[B] title 4 (seminar): try to complete system model of the paper

Project Progress


10% Progress
Last Week's Project

waiting for another task to make server virtualization

This Week's Project

waiting for another task to make server virtualization

Monthly Goals

submit journal title 3 to IEEE trans. on industrial informatics

Annual Goals

2 journal SCI papers and 3 conference papers