

10월 31, 2022 - 11월 6, 2022


- Lightweight Smart Contract with Project Auction Feature for 3D Object Production (IEEE TSNM) Major Revision (R1 Done - 14 September 2022)

- KICS Paper about part of Industrial Energy Auction Platform Smart Contract (Done)

- Major Part of the paper is the previous Summer Intensive (Currently Postponed due to Project Code Review and Pure Wallet New UI)

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- KICS Fall 2022 Done, taking suggestions from professors & submitting this week
- Pure Wallet 2.0 Version 2 UI Development (Still waiting for the design as of Monday, 24 Oct 2022) will start to develop as soon as we get the design

This Week Todo's

- Waiting for the Acceptance/Revision, hopefully, the middle of November
- KICS done

Project Progress

Human Activity Recognition System

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project Goal: To develop a HAR system capable of monitoring the activities of workers in a smart
factory based on their past health issues.

i surveyed some papers on anti-drone system.

Had a brief session with project leader concerning issue with dataset.

i presented the issue of RF-dataset at capstone class which makes its difficult for me to want to continue with the task assigned to me.

i was assign to a new project (HAR) by prof Lee through the group leade.

i surveyed 2 papers on HAR.

This Week's Project

Preliminary survey of HAR continues.

To meet with project leader for more direction and clarity on the new project.

To choose a problem to solve in HAR based on project requirement.

Monthly Goals

To have a good knowledge of machine learning.

To initiate title 2 research topic.

To commence and complete title 1 slides for conference.

Annual Goals

To submit at least 1 conference paper.

To attend at least 1 conference.

To submit at least 1 journal paper.

To complete machine learning training.