

11월 7, 2022 - 11월 13, 2022


Robin Matthew G. Medina

Title 1: Hate speech detection for the Metaverse using CNN
Target: KICS Fall 2022(Accepted)

Title 2: Pending
Target: KICS Winter 2022

Speech Recognition in the Metaverse (To be revise - Research Topic)

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Study and Surveyed about how to Censor Audio using Python
- Finished the 2nd Course in Python (Python Data Structures)
- Continued reading papers related to Hate Speech, Keyword Spotting and Speech Recognition

This Week Todo's

- Create a presentation for the KICS Conference
- Continuous revision of seminar paper
- Continue Studying and Finding Implementation of Censoring Audio using Python

Project Progress

Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Saved the best model and studied how to run it on Raspberry Pi
- Continue Reading papers related to BMS

This Week's Project

- Run the saved model and try to use dataset into it on Raspberry Pi
- Write section on Journal Paper
- Read BMS Papers

Monthly Goals

1. Learn more about machine learning and deep learning with Python
- Online tutorials
- Re-simulate what I learned
- Apply to my research topic

2. Learn about BMS and AI-enabled Digital Twin
- Online tutorials
- Journals
- Apply what I learned to my project and research

3. Learn about Keyword Spotting
- Online Tutorials
- Journals
- Apply what I learned to my project and research

4. Learn about MatLab Basics
- Online tutorials
- Re-simulate what I learned
- Apply to my research topic

5. Conference Paper (Domestic and International)

Annual Goals

1. Publish conference papers (Domestic/International)
- KICS Fall (Accepted)
- KICS Winter

2. Publish at least one International Journal (SCI/SCIE)

3. Master Python Programming and Machine Learnin