

11월 14, 2022 - 11월 20, 2022


Ahmad Zainudin

Title 1: Federated Learning Inspired Low-Complexity Intrusion Detection and Classification Technique for SDN-based Industrial CPS (Submitted)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management

Title 2: Privacy-Enhanced for Federated Intrusion Detection in Blockchain-based Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (Processing)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Title 3: Blockchain-Empowered Federated Intrusion Detection for IoT Networks: A Comprehensive Technical Survey (Processing)
Target: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

Title 4: FedIoV: A Federated Learning-Assisted Intrusion Messages Detection in Internet of Vehicles (Accepted)
Target: KICS Fall 2022

Title 5: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Federated Intrusion Classification in CPS-Enabled Maritime Transportation System (Submitted)
Target: ICC 2023

Title 6: Deep Learning-Assisted Human Activity Recognition for Interactive Avatar in Metaverse (Processing) – (Project Paper)
Target: IEEE Journal

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1 (IEEE TNSM):
*Checking paper review status

Title 2 (IEEE TII):
*Continue read paper review regarding network virtualization in digital twin
*Conduct a digital twin environment using SDN platform
*Continue explore SDN platform to implement attack model
*Try to implement an intrusion detector in virtualization environment
*Continue paper review regarding integrate blockchain in IDS
*Learn how to integrate blockchain with federated learning for intrusion detection case
*Continue paper writing

Title 3 (IEEE CST):
*Continue papers review → add the list paper review
*Brainstorming about proposed system than existing papers review
*Continue paper writing
*Continue learn regarding paper review workflow
*Create a body structure of review paper → continue create a paper outline
*Continue read the existing review papers with similar topic and decide the paper’s contributions

Title 4 (KICS Fall 2022):
*Preparing camera ready manuscript
*Preparing PPT file for oral session presentation

Title 5 (ICC 2023):
*Continue finishing paper writing
*Finishing paper writing

Title 6 (IEEE Journal):
*Continue implementation system → fixing some issues
*Continue integrate HAR model with metaverse platform
*Continue paper writing
*Increase system reliability for HAR model
*Comparing with existing model

This Week Todo's

Title 1 (IEEE TNSM):
*Waiting review comments

Title 2 (IEEE TII):
*Continue read paper review regarding blockchain-based intrusion detection
*Learn how to integrate blockchain with federated learning for intrusion detection case
*Continue paper writing

Title 3 (IEEE CST):
*Continue papers review → add the list paper review
*Brainstorming about proposed system than existing papers review
*Continue paper writing
*Continue learn regarding paper review workflow
*Create a body structure of review paper → continue create a paper outline
*Continue read the existing review papers with similar topic and decide the paper’s contributions

Title 4 (KICS Fall 2022):
*Continue for preparing PPT file for oral session presentation

Title 5 (ICC 2023):
*Waiting review comments

Title 6 (IEEE Journal):
*Continue implementation system → fixing some issues
*Continue integrate HAR model with metaverse platform and increase reliable metaverse platform
*Continue paper writing
*Increase system reliability for HAR model
*Comparing with existing model

Project Progress

Manufacturing Execution System (EMS) and HAR for Interactive Avatar in Metaverse

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

MES project
# Continue discuss with project members regarding new public dataset → fixing the target dataset for project paper journal writing
# Data preprocessing for new public dataset and decide the proposed model
# Preparing for project journal writing → fixing the target journal
# Paper review regarding MES
# Continue find MES public dataset for inventory management cases
# Train using new dataset → LSTM, GRU, Bi-LSTM
# Finalishing camera ready manuscript for project KICS Fall 2022 paper

HAR for Interactive Avatar in Metaverse Project
# Continue try to integrate HAR framework with unreal engine metaverse platform
# Testing client-server communication between HAR framework and metaverse platform → Checking in C++ and blueprint parts for integrate with avatar animation
# Continue explore unreal engine to develop a avatar 3D model and implement an AI model → based on the tutorials
# Continue learn regarding blueprint script in unreal engine
# Continue modify the C++ and BluePrint module to integrate with received data → create a avatar movement animation
# Continue retrain HAR model to achieve a reliable model
# Continue paper writing
# Weekly meeting with team

This Week's Project

MES project
# Continue discuss with project members regarding new public dataset → fixing the target dataset for project paper journal writing
# Continue data preprocessing for new public dataset and decide the proposed model
# Paper review regarding MES
# Continue find MES public dataset for inventory management cases (in raw data features)
# Train using new dataset → Multi-Stacked LSTM, GRU, Bi-LSTM

HAR for Interactive Avatar in Metaverse Project
# Continue try to integrate HAR framework with unreal engine metaverse platform
# Continue explore unreal engine to develop a avatar 3D model, integrate with 3D avatar animation and implement an AI model
# Continue learn regarding blueprint script in unreal engine
# Continue modify the C++ and BluePrint module to integrate with received data → create a avatar movement animation
# Continue retrain HAR model to achieve a reliable model
# Continue paper writing
# Weekly meeting with team

Monthly Goals

1. Finishing paper writing for international and domestic conferences, and international journal
2. Finishing project tasks based on project time schedule
3. Finishing project paper writing

Annual Goals

2022 Goals:
1. Submit at least two SCI or SCIE journals
{IEEE IoT Journal} (Published, August 8th, 2022)
{IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management}(Submitted, November 4th, 2022)

2. Attend one international conference
{ICMIC 2022} (Published)
{APCC 2022} (Published)
{ICTC 2022} (Published)
{ICC 2023} (Submitted)

3. Attend one domestic conference
{2022 KICS Winter Conference} (Published)
{2022 KICS Summer Conference} (Published)
{2022 KICS Fall Conference} (Accepted)