

11월 14, 2022 - 11월 20, 2022


Title 1: "An Improved YOLO model for Large Object Detection for Black Ice Detection"
->KICS Fall 2022 Accepted
->Title 2: "Bangla sign language recognition for user experience in metaverse"
->Searching for new topic to start

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Continued Studying Python Course
- Continued machine learning Course
-Paper survey:
1. A Review of Yolo Algorithm Developments
2. YOLO-FIRI: Improved YOLOv5 for Infrared Image Object Detection

This Week Todo's

->Data preprocessing
->Data segmentation and labelling
->Trying to implement YOLOv5

Project Progress

Embedded System for private key storage and implementation and Blockchain

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

* Started drafting a user's instruction guide on how to use the mobile application with the nano IoT.

* Tested the mobile application with android 10, 11 12 versions.

* Had a meeting with the hardware team members on how to improve performance of the project.

This Week's Project

* Make the android application forward and backward compatible with different android versions.

*Continue documentation for user's guide.

*Have a meeting with the team members.

Monthly Goals

*Learn and understand solidity programming language.

*Apply solidity programming language to Blockchain smart contract creation.

Annual Goals

*Complete at least one conference paper.

*Complete at least one journal paper.