Title 1: Octopus-Inspired Robot for Underwater Exploration in Military Internet of Battle Operations Surveillance. (presented)
Title 2: Droneilliance and Detection Dynamics: A Review of Radar Techniques and Trends (presented)
Target: KICS conference and anti-drone project.
i. Finish and submit presentation slides for "DRONET: Multi-Tasking Framework for Real-Time Industrial
Facility Aerial Surveillance and Safety" for my mentor for assessments.
ii. continuing studying related papers,
i. to great and introduce myself to all the NSL members.
ii. to discuss with my mentor regarding my research area.
Medical data transmission using blockchain.
i. to gather radar dataset for drone detection, study it, and then preprocess it for simulation for my capstone project.
ii. to Start learning how to run machine learning using data in jupyter notebbok and google colab or matlab.
iii. to submit the task that was allocated to me by the group leader.
i. to present to capstone class on the behalf of my group members.
ii. to discuss further about the project with group leader.
iii. to pick the MOST prevailing and persistent surgery robot problem in collecting and transmitting medical data from multiple IoT devices that PREVIOUS authors are solving.
i. to have great capability and knowledge about using Matlab for machine learning.
ii. to be a good assistant to my group leader and groupmates.
iii. to initiate 1 research topic.
iv. to finish and to submit all my presentation slides.
v. to arrive to South Korea safely (done!!)
I. To submit a minimum of one conference paper.
ii. To participate in at least one conference
iii To submit a minimum of one journal paper
iv. To become adept at using paper writing instruments