

11월 28, 2022 - 12월 4, 2022


Ebuka Nkoro

Title 1: Industrial Network Attack Vulnerability Detection and Analysis using Shodan Eye Scanning Technology.
Target: ICTC 2022(Accepted)

Title 2: Real-Time QR Code License Plate Detection in Vehicles Using Pyzbar
Target: KICS Fall(Accepted)

------> Security issues and Anonymity in the metaverse (in progress)

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-NSL Seminar Presentation.
-Read 2 papers on Privacy, Anonymity.
-Conducted experiment to test anonymity in a microsoft hosted VR platform.

This Week Todo's

-Continue Surveying papers on Privacy, anonymity in the Metaverse.
-Continue surveying implementation tutorials on Anonymity classification using AI.

Project Progress

Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Tried resolving error in codes, for saving output sensor data.
-Requested for Battery sensor ADS1115.
-Gathered relevant papers for writing this new week.

This Week's Project

-focus on Project Writing Task
-Attend to assigned project writing task.

Monthly Goals

-Take a crash course on AI/network traffic classification
-Learn python
-Survey papers and write BMS Anonymity Paper.

Annual Goals

-Improve Python Programming,
one ML simulation tool, and real-time Security tool.

-Write for 1 journal