

11월 28, 2022 - 12월 4, 2022


Title 1: Tractable Minacious Drones Aerial Recognition and Safe-Channel Neutralization Scheme for Mission Critical Operations
Target: IEEE Industrial Informatics (Rejected: Out-of-Scope)/ETFA 2022 (Accepted)

Title 2: ITCM: IT Convergence Model for Real-Time Ubiquitous Vaccination Verification and Authentication
Target: ICTC 2021/ACM Info System

Title3: PID: Pervasive Intrusion Detection Scheme to Mitigate Sensor Attacks on UAV Networks
Target: Winter Intensive/KICS Summer Conference 2022 (Presented)/ICT Express

Title4: VisioNET Dataset: An Aerial Dataset for Scenario-Based Multi-Drone Detection and Identification Research
Target: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Title 5: SimNet: UAV-Integrated Sensor Nodes Localization for Communication Intelligence in 6G Networks
Target: APCC 2022 (Presented)

Title 6: Drone Warfare: Reinforcement Learning Detection Technique for UAV-Ghost Gun Terror Operations
Target: MILCOM 2022 (Rejected)

Title 7: Hierarchical Intrusion Detection System for Secured Military Drone Network: A Perspicacious Approach
Target: MILCOM 2022 (Accepted-Co working with Vivian)

Title 8: Drone Transportation System Security: A TEAS Paradigm for Countering Invasion
Target: IET Intelligent Transport System (Rejected)

Title 9: Connected Innovation Intelligence for Smart-Based Water Quality Monitoring System in IIOT Application
Target: Summer Intensive/ICTC 2022/IEEE IoT (Presented)

Title 10: Self-Supervised MIMO System for Autonomous Underwater Navigation Operations
Target: ICMIC 2022 (Accepted and Presented)

Title 11: Octopus-Inspired Robot for Underwater Exploration in Military Internet of Battle Operations and Surveillance
Target: ICTC 2022 (Co-working with Dini)(Accepted)

Title 12: Synergistic Intelligent Aerial Surveillance Approach in Decision-Centric Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems
Target: ICOIN 2023 (Presented)

Title 13: AI-Trust in Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Centric Systems: Introspection of Security Architectures
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Presented)

Title 14: Droneillance and Detection Dynamics: A Review of Radar Techniques and Trends
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Presented) [Co-working with Dini]

Title 15: Mobility-Compliant Model in Drone-Based Sniffing Technique for Aerial Surveillance and Security
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Presented) [Co-working with Vivian]

Title 16: EXALT: Exhaustive-Aided Learning Technique for Intrusion Prevention in Aerial Communication
Target: ICC 2023 (Submitted)

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title1: -Adjusted content in response to journal submission as an extended version
Title 7: Assisted in preparing a conference presentation
-Prepared poster presentation for the conference
Title 12: Responded to review comments
-Updated published conference papers on research gate and other digital handles.

Mentoring Session:
-Taught mentee the basics of NSL, assisted in system setup, and other routines
-Helped mentee get accommodation
- Brainstormed with the mentee on the clarity of choosing a research area

This Week Todo's

This week
-Title 1: To continue adjusting paper content and format in response to an invitation for extended version submission.
-To submit the paper and get approval from the professor
-Title 4: To finalize and submit to IEEE dataset competition after approval from Professor
- Title 12: Continue response to review comments
-Title 16: Awaiting acceptance and review comments
-To attend MILCOM 2022 Conference Online

Mentoring Session
-To introduce the mentee to overleaf and paper writing skills
-To introduce the mentee to the basics of machine learning
-To review mentee's seminar presentation

Project Progress

Development of Blockchain-Based Medical IoT Surgery Robot using Multimodal Data Fusion Approach

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Had brainstorming session with team on specific system components problems investigation
-Established a direction for the project
-Presented findings on the new project

This Week's Project

-To establish system requirements
-To develop the system design concept
-To have a joint requirement planning (JRP) to choose the best alternative solution to system design

Monthly Goals

-To continue studying self-supervised learning and NFT
-To submit titles 1, 4, 12
-To commence Thesis writing

Annual Goals

-To submit at least 8 journals (4 done) and 4 publications (2 done) (50% accomplished)
-To attend at least 6 conferences (100%) accomplished