

11월 28, 2022 - 12월 4, 2022


Name: Esmot Ara Tuli

Title 01: A Novel Whale Optimization-based PTS Scheme for PAPR Reduction in UFMC Systems(IEEE Wireless Communications Letters(S))

Title 02: Metaverse Integrated Autonomous Vehicular Systems(Bezier curve Project) (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology)

Title 03: Survey: Federated learning in Metaverse and IIoT (IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics)

Title 04: A Metaverse Approach for Federated Learning-Based Product Quality Inspection in Industrial IoT (Targer:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics)

Title 05: A Metaverse Approach: Web Inside of Web (Target: IEEE Communications Magazine (S))

Title06: Multivariate Regression Learning Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory (ICAIIC-2023)

Collaboration work-in-progress (WoP)
Title07: Meta-Learning: A Secure Distance Learning Approach Based on Metaverse Platform Using Blockchain Technology (Working with Golam)

32% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:
-Finetune writing and submit again

Title 02:
- Create metaverse environment
- Learn about reinforcement learning

Title 05:
-Under review

- Try to improve the LSTM model

- Create multi-person access mode

This Week Todo's

Title 01:
- Under Review

Title 02:
- Try to simulate quantum reinforcement learning and add it in vehicle learning process

Title 03: Survey:
- Gather all papers and study Plasma technique again
- Intended to finish it as winter intensive paper

Title 04:
- No plan work on this paper in this week

Title 05:
- Under Review

- Complete writing

- Creating Metaverse environment and connect with blockchain
- Finish writing related works section

Project Progress

Website Maintenance, Smart Energy

35% Progress
Last Week's Project


- Try to fix NSL website
- Create new Survey paper manu

Smart Energy

- Simulating LSTM model and writing paper

This Week's Project


- Create Survey paper section
- Add all NSL survey papers in this section

Smart Energy

- Try to improve the LSTM model
- Submit the final report in Capstone class

Monthly Goals

Submit Paper Title 04 and 06.

Annual Goals

Participate in two international conferences. 2 done (ICOIN 2022) APCC-2022(Accepted)

-Submit five journal. (2 submitted)