

11월 28, 2022 - 12월 4, 2022



Title 1: Octopus-Inspired Robot for Underwater Exploration in Military Internet of Battle Operations Surveillance. (presented)

Title 2: Droneilliance and Detection Dynamics: A Review of Radar Techniques and Trends (presented)

Target: KICS conference and medical IoT project.

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

i. to great and introduce myself to all the NSL members.

ii. to discuss with my mentor regarding my research area.

This Week Todo's

i. to learn more about

Project Progress


85% Progress
Last Week's Project

# Tried to get a new and good dataset
# tried to get a better result by tuning
# Survey more papers on routing optimization
# completing intermediate pandas on Kaggle
# tried to search for a dataset/code for the phase 2

This Week's Project

# Wil try to complete the intermediate pandas from kaggle
# Complete the project final report
# Compare with the different dataset in the same model
# Try to complete other courses

Monthly Goals

# Complte Kaggle's courses on deep learning
* - Apply to my research topic
* - Compare with my existing model and get the better result
* - Try to write a paper on that

# Learn about CNN and more about LSTM models, implementations, code
# survey more papers on routing optimization for the project

Annual Goals

1. Publish conference papers (Domestic/International)
- KICS Fall (done)
- KICS Winter

2. Publish at least one Q1 International Journal (SCI/SCIE)

3. Master Python Programming and application of machine learning and deep learning