

11월 28, 2022 - 12월 4, 2022


Title 1: Intelligent Fault Classification of 3D Printers Using Long Short-Term Memory
- KICS Winter (Accepted)

Title 2: Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Intrusion Detection in Internet of Things: A Survey
- With Gab and Adi

Title 3: Edge Device Anomaly Detection of 3D Printers using Bidirectional LSTM
- KICS Summer

Title 4: A Survey on Artificial Intelligence Approaches for 3D Printing Anomaly Detection
- Target: IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics

Title 5: An Improved Anomaly Detection in 3D Printing using Edge AI
- Thesis

Title 6: 3D Printing Monitoring and Anomaly Detection using Deep Learning
- KICS Fall 2022

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Finalizing the thesis book version
Finalizing the journal version of the thesis
Finalizing the ppt revision

This Week Todo's

Preparing for the presentation defense

Project Progress

3DP Project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Received new dataset

This Week's Project

Await for the new task

Monthly Goals

1. Learn more about machine learning and deep learning with Python
- Online tutorials
- Re-simulate what I learned
- Apply what I learned to my research

2. Journal
- IEEE TIE (Thesis Journal)
- Survey Paper

3. Finish Thesis
- Publish thesis journal

Annual Goals

1. Publish two or three conference papers (Domestic/International)
- KICS Winter ✓
- KICS Summer ✓
- KICS Fall ✓

2. Publish at least one International Journal (SCI/SCIE)
- IEEE TIE (Thesis Journal)
- Survey Paper