

11월 28, 2022 - 12월 4, 2022


Title 8: Revoting: A Blockchain-based Offline Voting Architecture

Title 10: FedL2: A Federated Learning Application on Layer 2 Blockchain

Title 11: A blockchain-based aviation system (tentative) (Winter Intensive)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 8:
- Fixing structure for the journal submission (cont)

Title 10:
- Finish Simulation
- Writing Paper

Title 11: -

This Week Todo's

Title 8:
- Continue Paper Writing

Title 10:
- Grammar Check
- Submission

Title 11:
- Gather relevant works from previous studies
- Looking at the review comment from the first Winter Intensive Paper

Project Progress


50% Progress
Last Week's Project

3. Pure Wallet(Cont.)
- Integrating with new Smart Contract with New UI (Main Focus)

- Refactoring Code
- Fixing the Offline Interconnection between iOS and Android
- Toggling Offline and Online
- Minimize The API usage from the mobile apps
- Smart Contract Optimization for reducing gas cost

This Week's Project

3. Pure Wallet(Cont.)
- Integrating with new Smart Contract with New UI (Main Focus)

- Refactoring Code (Done)
- Fixing the Offline Interconnection between iOS and Android
- Toggling Offline and Online
- Minimize The API usage from the mobile apps (Done)
- Smart Contract Optimization for reducing gas cost (Done)

Monthly Goals

Submit one international conference paper
Finish the feedback regarding pure wallet from the company
Finish Revoting Paper for review from the senior members

Annual Goals

Submit a Journal
Accepted in 2 International Conference
Accepted in Domestic Conference