

11월 28, 2022 - 12월 4, 2022


Title 1: Basic Safety Messages Authentication System for Connected Vehicles using a Novel Hyper-Tuned Ensemble Algorithm (ICT Express)

Title 2: Optimization of RBF-SVM Kernel using Grid Search Algorithm for Detecting DDoS Attack in SDN-Based VANET (IEEE IoT Journal)

Title 3: RBF-SVM Kernel-based Model for Detecting DDoS Attacks in SDN Integrated Vehicular Network (Ad-hoc Networks Journal

Title 4: Misbehavior Detection in Connected Vehicles using BurST-ADMA Dataset
Submitted to ICTC 2022

Title 5: State-of-the-Art Object Detectors for Vehicle, Pedestrian, and Traffic Sign Detection for Smart Parking Systems (with Judith, Saviour, and Cosmas)
Submitted to ICTC 2022

Title 6: Falsification Detection System (FDS) in IoV using Randomized Parameter Optimization Ensemble Algorithm.
Submitted to IEEE ITS

Title 7: A Real-Time Multi Sensor-based Emergency System in Smart Space Using Integrated DNN (With Zai and Adinda- IoT Project)
Target: IEEE Sensor Journal

Title 8: Federated Learning-based Privacy-Preserving Activity Recognition Using Infrared Thermal Sensor in Edge Computing Environment (With Zai and Adinda- IoT Project)
Target: ICT Express

Title 9: Intelligent Optimization of Misbehavior Detection Model in Digital Twin-Based VANET using Grid Search Technique**
Target- Thesis

Title 10: Analyzing Behavioral Patterns of Authorized User’s Access Interruption on CAM using Random Forest
Target- KICS Fall, 2022

Title 11: Seoul-Simu: A Dataset for Evaluating Vehicular Traffic Misbehavior in an Asian Vehicular Traffic Scenario
Target: IEEE Journal (Scope- Vehicular Networks)

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: Accepted in ICT Express: Still waiting for final Publication; Corrected Proof; In Press. doi:

Title 2: (i) Accepted in IoT journal; Still waiting for final Publication
doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3199712.

Title 3: Accepted in Ad-Hoc Networks Journal- Still in Press- Journal Pre-Proof (available online)

Title 4 & 5: (i) Presented in ICTC 2022

Title 6: Accepted- Minor Revision- Resubmitted
Status: Under Review

Title 7 & 8: On Hold

Title 9: Thesis-

Complete Chapter Five

*Chapter Five*

(i) Results compilation and discussion

(ii) Prepare presentation file for defense

(iii) Attend to comments from Mock Presentation

Title 10: Submitted to KICS Fall, 2022 (Status- Accepted)

(i) Complete poster presentation for conference.

Title 11: In Progress

This Week Todo's

Title 1: Accepted in ICT Express: Still waiting for final Publication; Corrected Proof; In Press. doi:

Title 2: (i) Accepted in IoT journal; Still waiting for Volume and Issue Number
doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3199712.

Title 3: Accepted in Ad-Hoc Networks Journal- Volume 140, 1 March 2023, 103026.

Title 4 & 5: (i) Presented in ICTC 2022

Title 6: Accepted- Minor Revision- Resubmitted
Status: Awaiting Reviewers Scores

Title 7 & 8: On Hold

Title 9: Thesis-


(i) Complete presentation file for defense

Title 10: Presented at KICS Fall, 2022.

Title 11: In Progress

Project Progress

Manufacturing Execution System

0% Progress
Last Week's Project


This Week's Project


Monthly Goals

(i) Complete Thesis Writing

(ii) Complete Thesis ppt file

(iii) Study other security and reliability requirements for Vehicular systems and networks (Future Plans)

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least Two Domestic Conferences (KICS Winter and Summer, 2022- Done)

2. Attend at least two International Conference (Two Attended- ICTC and ICAIIC, One Published - ICAIIC, 2022)

3. Submit at least Five International Journals - Six Submitted (100%: IEEE IoT, ICT Express, Adhoc Network, IEEE Access (Rejected), IEEE ITS, Computer Networks (Rejected))

4. Published in at least 3 SCI Journals - 4 Accepted(100%- IEEE ITS, Ad-hoc Networks, IEEE IoT and ICT Express)

2021 Goals Achieved
1. ETFA 2021
2. ICTC 2021
3. KICS Summer 2021
4. KICS Fall 2021

2022 Goals Achieved

International Journal
1. Ad-Hoc Network (Published)
2. IEEE IoT Accepted (Early Access)
3. ICT Express Accepted (Waiting for Final Publication)
4. IEEE ITS (Accepted, Waiting for Final Review)

International Conference
4. ICAIIC 2022
5. ICTC 2022

Domestic Conferences
6. KICS Winter 2022
7. KICS Summer 2022
8. KICS Fall 2022