Mst Ayesha Khatun
Title 1: "An Improved YOLO model for Large Object Detection for Black Ice Detection"
->KICS Fall 2022 Accepted
Title 2: "Object detection using yolo"(subject to change)
->KICS winter
Title 3(Thesis): "Black ice and yolo model" subject to change
-->Paper survey related to YOLO model
-->Related study for seminar
-->Continued online courses of ML and Python
-->Continued machine learning and python course
-->Implement the algorithms of ML from the tutorial
-->Start writing new paper
-->Prepare for seminar
Black Ice detection
->Dataset uploaded in the server
-->Error solving of YOLO model
-->Paper survey related to yolo model implementation
->Finish project work
->Report writing and final presentation
-> Implement all basic ML algorithm and CNN
->Apply the tutorials of yolo model in the project
->Start the new paper
1. Publish conference papers (Domestic/International)
- KICS Fall (Done)
- KICS Winter
2. Publish at least one International Journal
3. Master Python Programming and Machine Learning