Title 1: Octopus-Inspired Robot for Underwater Exploration in Military Internet of Battle Operations Surveillance. (presented)
Title 2: Droneilliance and Detection Dynamics: A Review of Radar Techniques and Trends (presented)
Target: KICS conference and anti-drone project.
i. to survey new papers for my new paper.
ii. to discuss more with my supervisor about my research area.
iii. to learn more basics about multiple software with my mentor.
i. to finalized PPT slides for my seminar presentation.
ii. to present my seminar PPT.
iii. to prepare my research title for winter intensive.
Medical data transmission using blockchain.
i. to survey papers about various techniques to reduce latency for data transmission in surgery robots
ii. to discuss further about the project with group leader.
iii. to pick the MOST prevailing and persistent surgery robot problem in collecting and transmitting medical data from multiple IoT devices that PREVIOUS authors are solving.
i. to find more techniques that has been used by other researchers on reducing latency for transmitting data in surgery robots.
ii. to pick a specific technique and start learning more about it.
iii. to finish working on analyzing and processing the dataset for capstone class.
i. to have great capability and knowledge about using notebook Jupyter for deep learning
ii. to be a good assistant to my group leader and groupmates.
iii. to initiate 1 research topic for winter intensive and start working on it.
iv. to finish and to submit all my presentation slides.
I. To submit a minimum of one conference paper.
ii. To participate in at least one conference.
iii To submit a minimum of one journal paper.
iv. To become adept at using paper writing instruments.