

12월 12, 2022 - 12월 18, 2022


Title 4: Classification and Characterization of Encoded Traffic in SCADA Network using Hybrid Deep Learning Scheme
Target: Journal of Communication and Networks

Title 5: Low Computational Cost Convolutional Neural Network for Smart Grid Frequency Stability Prediction
Target: Energy and AI

Title 12: SCADA Intrusion Detection Scheme Exploiting the fusion of Modified Decision Tree and Chi-Square Feature Selection
Target: Elsevier IoT

Title 16: A Contemporary Survey of SCADA Intrusion Detection Frameworks: Approaches, Challenges, and Open Issues
Target: Surveys & Tutorials

Title 17: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Intrusion Detection and Mitigation in Intelligent Transportation System
Target: Explainable AI for Intelligent Transportation Systems (XA2ITS)

Title 19: Agnostic CH-DT Technique for SCADA Network High-Dimensional Data-Aware Intrusion Detection System
Target: IEEE IoT

Title 20: B-DT: Bagged-Decision Tree Detection and Characterization of the IEC-60870-5-104 SCADA Network Communication Traffic
Target: ICC 2023

Title 21: Optimal Tree Bayesian for the Characterization of Ciphered Network Communication Traffic
Target: ICAIIC 2023

Title 22: Deep Learning-Assisted Inventory Management Prediction in Manufacturing Execution System
Target: ICT Express

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 4: Under review

Title 5: To commence paper revision in line with review comments

Title 12: Under review

Title 16: 1. Completed final review, grammar/similarity check
2. Secured Professor’s approval for submission
3. Submitted
Title 17: Under review

Title 19: Minor Revision

Title 20: Under review

Title 21: Under review

Title 22: Continued work on System Methodology, Results, and Conclusion

This Week Todo's

Title 4: Under review

Title 5: To commence paper revision in line with review comments

Title 12: Under review

Title 16: Under review

Title 17: Under review

Title 19: To make corrections and update paper as noted by the reviewers

Title 20: Under review

Title 21: Under review

Title 22: To continue work on System Methodology, Results, and Conclusion

Project Progress

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Project

85% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Continued work on system methodology, result discussions, and conclusion of the journal article writing on MES AI-assisted inventory management

2. Finalizing the model training with the new dataset from amazon

3. Commenced the study of related literature on Phase 2 of the MES Project - AI module for Process Routing Optimization

4. Continued guiding project members and mentees on the selection and review of related papers on Phase 2 of the MES Project - AI module for Process Routing Optimization

5. Continued guiding project members and mentees on the presentation of their project progress report

6. Continued guiding project members and mentees on the preparation of the year 2022 Winter Intensive

7. Continued the supervision of the MES project and members' activity

This Week's Project

1. To finalize work on system methodology, result discussions, and conclusion of the journal article writing on MES AI-assisted inventory management

2. To continue the study of related literature on Phase 2 of the MES Project - AI module for Process Routing Optimization

4. To continue guiding project members and mentees on the selection and review of related papers on Phase 2 of the MES Project - AI module for Process Routing Optimization

5. To continue guiding project members and mentees on the presentation of their project progress report

6. To continue guiding project members and mentees on the preparation of the year 2022 Winter Intensive

7. To continue the supervision of the MES project and members' activity

Monthly Goals

1. To finalize the revision of title 5
2. To continue work on developing a model for the research thesis
3. Start learning network simulation for the research thesis

Annual Goals

1. Submit and attend all NSL-approved domestic conferences (200%)
2. Submit and attend at least two NSL-approved International Conferences (150%)
3. Publish or submit at least two International Journal papers/Letters (submitted - 200%)