

12월 12, 2022 - 12월 18, 2022


Ebuka Nkoro

Title 1: Industrial Network Attack Vulnerability Detection and Analysis using Shodan Eye Scanning Technology.
Target: ICTC 2022(Accepted)

Title 2: Real-Time QR Code License Plate Detection in Vehicles Using Pyzbar
Target: KICS Fall(Accepted)

------> Anonymous Traffic Detection and Classification in the Metaverse using Machine Learning (in progress)

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Read 3 papers on the state of the art methods for network traffic detection using ML.
-Documented methods for network traffic detection using ML.
-Watched related implementation videos.

This Week Todo's

-Continue paper survey for winter intensive/research area.

Project Progress

Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Wrote paper allocation task.
-Prepared and submitted sub-goal assigned task, for final report.

This Week's Project

-Complete and finalize paper writing task.

Monthly Goals

-Complete paper survey on ML/network traffic classification.
-Begin writing for winter intensive.

Annual Goals

-learn and improve on ML simulation tools, and Security tools.
-Write for 1 journal