

12월 12, 2022 - 12월 18, 2022


Title 1: Basic Safety Messages Authentication System for Connected Vehicles using a Novel Hyper-Tuned Ensemble Algorithm (ICT Express)

Title 2: Optimization of RBF-SVM Kernel using Grid Search Algorithm for Detecting DDoS Attack in SDN-Based VANET (IEEE IoT Journal)

Title 3: Falsification Detection System (FDS) in IoV using Randomized Parameter Optimization Ensemble Algorithm (IEEE ITS)

Title 4: Intelligent Misbehavior Detection in Digital Twin-Based VANET using Grid Search Optimization (Thesis)

Title 5: Analyzing Behavioral Patterns of Authorized User’s Access Interruption on CAM using Random Forest (KICS Fall, 2022)

Title 6: Seoul-Simu: A Dataset for Evaluating Vehicular Traffic Misbehavior in an Asian Vehicular Traffic Scenario (Winter Intensive)
Target: IEEE Journal (Scope- Vehicular Networks)

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: Accepted in ICT Express: Still waiting for final Publication; Corrected Proof; In Press. doi:

Title 2: (i) Accepted in IoT journal; Still waiting for final Publication
doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3199712.

Title 3: Accepted- Minor Revision- Resubmitted
Status: Awaiting Reviewer Scores

Title 4: Thesis-

(i) Upload Thesis file and PPT on NSL website

(ii) Upload "Answer Sheet" (Q and A) on NSL website

Title 5: Presented in KICS Fall, 2022

Title 6: In Progress

This Week Todo's

Title 1: Accepted in ICT Express: Still waiting for final Publication; Corrected Proof; In Press. doi:

Title 2: (i) Accepted in IoT journal; Still waiting for final Publication
doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3199712.

Title 3: Accepted- Minor Revision- Resubmitted
Status: Awaiting Reviewer Scores

Title 4: Thesis-

(i) Upload thesis pdf file to KIT library

(ii) Upload and prepare portfolio for archiving

Title 5: Presented in KICS Fall, 2022

Title 6: In Progress (Commence paper writing)

Project Progress

Manufacturing Execution System

0% Progress
Last Week's Project


This Week's Project


Monthly Goals

(i) Complete Paper 6 by 50%

(ii) Complete Portfolio

(iii) Study other security and reliability requirements for Vehicular systems and networks (Future Plans)

(iv) Study the deployment of vehicular designs on Metaverse and Digital Twin platforms.

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least Two Domestic Conferences (KICS Winter, Summer and Fall 2022- Done)

2. Attend at least two International Conference (Two Attended- ICTC 2022 and ICAIIC 2022, One Published - ICAIIC, 2022)

3. Submit at least Five International Journals (100%: IEEE IoT, ICT Express, Adhoc Network, IEEE Access (Rejected), IEEE ITS, Computer Networks (Rejected))

4. Published in at least 3 SCI Journals (Done- 100%- Ad-hoc Networks, IEEE IoT and ICT Express)

2021 Goals Achieved
1. ETFA 2021
2. ICTC 2021
3. KICS Summer 2021
4. KICS Fall 2021

2022 Goals Achieved

International Journal
1. Ad-Hoc Network (Published)
2. IEEE IoT Accepted (Early Access)
3. ICT Express Accepted (Waiting for Final Publication)
4. IEEE ITS (Accepted- Final Minor Revision)

International Conference
4. ICAIIC 2022
5. ICTC 2022

Domestic Conferences
6. KICS Winter 2022
7. KICS Summer 2022
8. KICS Fall 2022