

December 13, 2022 - December 19, 2022


Paper 1: Deep-Block: Blockchain-assisted Secure and Energy Efficient UAV-BS Deployment Using Deep Learning (Target: IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology)

Paper 2: Meta-Learning: A Secure Distance Learning Approach Based on Metaverse Platform Using Blockchain Technology [Winter Intensive] (Target: IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies)

Paper 3: Energy-Efficient Multidimensional Path-Planning of UAV for Distributed IoT Networks With Reinforcement Learning (Target: ICAIIC 2022)

Collaboration work-in-progress (WoP)
Paper 4: A Metaverse Approach: Web Inside of Web (Target: IEEE Network Special Issue) [Working with Tuli]

Paper 5: Metaverse Integrated Autonomous Vehicular Systems (Target: IEEE Industrial Informatics) [Working with Tuli]

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 2:
* Finished almost 60% writing of the paper
* Design the system model and workflow of the proposed idea

Paper 3:
* Start working on the RL implementation
* Survey related papers for the specific topic

Paper 5:
* Submitted and waiting for the results

This Week Todo's

Paper 2:
* Continue the paper writing work and finish it by this week
* Submit to the special issue on IEEE TLT if get approval from the professor
* Fine-tune the paper and check the errors before submission

Paper 3:
* Create the UAV data generation environment for data-centric model training
* Learn how to implement Markov Decision Process modeling on Keras, TensorFlow
* Start writing the paper and design the system model

Paper 5:
* Submitted and waiting for the review comments

Project Progress

Black Ice Detection

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

* Had a meeting with professor Jung-Hyeong Kim about the project's test-bed setup
* Collected some devices to check how to prepare them for test-bed
* Continue labeling the dataset gathered from the company

This Week's Project

* Setting up the audio and temperature sensors and the OS of installed devices
* Continue labeling the dataset gathered from the company
* Study some scheduling algorithms for time-triggered multiple-data collection

Monthly Goals

* Finish the Journal paper working with Tuli and submit it by this month
* Finish the implementation work of my own Journal paper
* Start working on the winter intensive and submit it before the deadline for the special issue
* Finish the conference paper and submit it before the deadline

Annual Goals

* Get accepted at least one SCI journal and submit as many as possible

* Attend as many competitive international conferences

* Make sure to learn and gain depth knowledge about AI, Digital-Twin, and MetaVerse