Ebuka Nkoro
Title 1: Industrial Network Attack Vulnerability Detection and Analysis using Shodan Eye Scanning Technology.
Target: ICTC 2022(Accepted)
Title 2: Real-Time QR Code License Plate Detection in Vehicles Using Pyzbar
Target: KICS Fall(Accepted)
------> Anonymous Traffic Detection and Classification in the Metaverse using Machine Learning (in progress)
-Read 3 papers on the state of the art methods for anonymous network traffic detection using ML.
-Documented relevant machine learning models for the research.
-Meeting with my Mentor for winter intensive guidance.
Choose 2-3 datasets
-> List previously implemented models for features selected ML approach.
-> list previously implemented AI model
-> idea and limitations
-> create overleaf file with sample sections
-> Continue surveying relevant works in my research area.
Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management
Sent subtask report
concluded Paper writing task
Write for winter intensive
implement on different dataset
-learn and improve on ML simulation tools, and Security tools.
-Write for 1 journal