

12월 19, 2022 - 12월 25, 2022


Title 8: Revoting: A Blockchain-based Offline Voting Architecture

Title 10: FLB2: Layer 2 Blockchain Implementation Scheme on Federated Learning Technique

Title 11: Blockchain-based Maintenance Record for Airline Industry (Tentative) (Winter Intensive)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 8:
- Continue Paper Writing (on hold)

Title 10:
- Waiting for Review

Title 11:
- Gather relevant works from previous studies
- Looking at the review comment from the first Winter Intensive Paper

This Week Todo's

Title 8:
- Continue Paper Writing (on hold)

Title 10:
- Waiting for Review

Title 11:
- Fix Scheme of Maintenance Record

Project Progress


50% Progress
Last Week's Project

3. Pure Wallet(Cont.)
- Integrating with new Smart Contract with New UI (Main Focus) (Cont.)

- Fixing the Offline Interconnection between iOS and Android (Cont.)
- Toggling Offline and Online (Cont.)

This Week's Project

3. Pure Wallet(Cont.)
- Inspect Bug
- Fix Bug of Backend

Monthly Goals

Submit one international conference paper
Finish the feedback regarding pure wallet from the company
Finished literature review for Winter Intensive

Annual Goals

Submit a Journal
Accepted in 2 International Conference
Accepted in Domestic Conference