

1월 3, 2023 - 1월 9, 2023


*Paper 1: Prospects and challenges of Metaverse application in data-driven intelligent transportation systems
Target: IET Intelligent Transport Systems <-> (Published| Pending issue Number)

*Paper 2: Review of Digital Twin Models for Battery management Systems (Project)

*Paper 3: A Text based hate-speech detection system for Metaverse Applications (Winter Intensive)

*Paper 4: Multi-Feature Fusion for Speech Dependent Automatic Speaker Identification in Autonomous Vehicles (Completed writing)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles

25% Progress
Last Week's Progress

*Paper 1: Paper Published|Pending Volume and issue numbers
*Paper 2: Writing paper section on Digital twin and BMS
*Paper 3: Present Winter intensive, Continue experiment with different Hate speech detection Models on the selected datasets
*Paper 4: Reviewing paper

This Week Todo's

*Paper 1: Check Journal status
*Paper 2: Writing Digital Twin for BMS review paper.
*Paper 3: Continue experiment with different Hate speech detection Models on the selected datasets
*Paper 4: Submit paper

Project Progress

Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management

35% Progress
Last Week's Project

1.Update paper sections
2.Research on subscription plans for MS Azure

This Week's Project

1.Continue Writing allocated sections of review paper.
2.Research other digital twin platforms and subscription plans

Monthly Goals

1.Develop a real time hate speech detection system for the Metaverse
2.Work on BMS survey paper
3.Complete winter intensive paper
4.Complete KICS paper

Annual Goals

1.Study Digital Twin and the necessary tools.
2.Complete Three Journal Papers
3.Complete 3 Domestic Conference Papers
4.Complete 2 International Conferences
5.Build an ensemble model for Intelligent Vehicles
6.Build an ensemble Model for virtual assistants in the Metaverse