Ebuka Nkoro
Title 1: Industrial Network Attack Vulnerability Detection and Analysis using Shodan Eye Scanning Technology.
Target: ICTC 2022(Accepted).
Title 2: Real-Time QR Code License Plate Detection in Vehicles Using Pyzbar.
Target: KICS Fall(Accepted).
------> Anonymous Traffic Detection and Classification in the Metaverse using Machine Learning (in progress).
-> Implemented feature selection experiment and methods for features selected ML approach.
-> Performed PCA+GB classification experiment using the SYn2022 Dataset.
-> surveyed relevant works in my research area.
-> Implement all mapped out feature selection experiments and methods used in previous ML approach.
--> Review and work on comments gotten from the phase 1 comments.
--> Seek other model optimizers for improved experimental results.
Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management
Survey experiments and tasks on unrealengine.
Perform assigned tasks by the project leader
--> Write winter intensive paper.
--> Successfully carry out anonymous traffic classification with optimal results.
--> Submit to 4 journals
--> Gain acceptance to at least 2 journal publications
--> Attend all approved domestic and international conferences
--> learn and improve on ML simulation tools, courses and Security tools.