

8월 25, 2014 - 8월 31, 2014


[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
[A] Node Discovery Scheme of DDS using Dynamic Bloom Filters

21% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[A] Node Discovery Scheme of DDS using Dynamic Bloom Filters
-> Make answer sheet for patent. ( ~.22) 100%
-> Talk with officer for patent. (8.20, 22) 100%

[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
-> 1. Insert more detailed explain in the related work part. 80%
2. study Opnet & operating special scenario for satellite downlink simulator(LEO) 20%

This Week Todo's

[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
1. Insert more detailed explain in the related work part.
2. study Opnet & operating special scenario for satellite downlink simulator(LEO)

[B] Choose paper for NSL seminar

Project Progress

Message Oriented Management and Analysis Tool (Season 3)

2% Progress
Last Week's Project

[C] Set New plan up.
- have a meeting for new task of MOMAT at 8.21

This Week's Project

[A] research about new task for distribution of MOMAT.
1. check the workload for make a plan.
2. separate task depend on previous work.
3. Request cooperation to IDAS for renewal GUI.
4. Make guide line for develop and modify program.

Monthly Goals

1. 빚잔치.
2. 논문 수정 마무리.
3. MOMAT 새 계획 수립

Annual Goals

MOMAT 삼성 탈레스에 배포 및 유지 보수 관리