

2월 6, 2023 - 2월 12, 2023


Ahmad Zainudin

Title 1: Federated Learning Inspired Low-Complexity Intrusion Detection and Classification Technique for SDN-based Industrial CPS (Under Review)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management

Title 2: Distributed Aggregation for Secure and Efficient Federated Transfer Learning Intrusion Classification in Blockchain-Empowered IIoT Networks - Winter Intensive (Processing)
Target: IEEE Internet of Things

Title 3: Blockchain-Assisted Federated Intrusion Detection Systems in IoT Networks: A Comprehensive Survey, Challenges, and Future Directions (Processing)
Target: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

Title 4: Blockchain-based Decentralized Trust Aggregation for Federated Cyber-Attacks Classification in SDN-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems (Under Review)
Target: ICC Workshop 2023

Title 5: Deep Federated Learning-Assisted Human Activity Recognition for Interactive Avatar in Metaverse (Processing) – (Interactive Avatar Project Paper)
Target: IEEE Journal

Title 6: Deep Learning-Assisted Inventory Management Prediction in Manufacturing Execution System - (MES Project Paper)
Target: ICT Express

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1 (IEEE TNSM):
*Waiting review comments

Title 2 (IEEE IoT):
*Develop a public blockchain network
*Integrate IPFS with the system
*Implement secure model exchange scenario and evaluate its performance
*Conduct performance evaluation and system comparison
*Continue paper writing

Title 3 (IEEE CST):
*Continue read the paper and make detailed paper outline
*Still hold paper writing

Title 4 (ICC Workshop 2023):
*Improve the paper based on review comment
*Submit the paper

Title 5 (IEEE Journal):
*Increase system reliability for HAR model → federated learning scenario
*Consider new dataset → working on simulation using new dataset
*Comparing with existing model → working on simulation using existing model approach
*Continue paper writing → update and fixing literature review

This Week Todo's

Title 1 (IEEE TNSM):
*Waiting review comments

Title 2 (IEEE IoT):
*Continue develop a public blockchain network
*Implement secure model exchange scenario and evaluate its performance
*Conduct performance evaluation and system comparison
*Continue paper writing

Title 3 (IEEE CST):
*Continue read the paper and make detailed paper outline

Title 4 (ICC Workshop 2023):
*Waiting review comments

Title 5 (IEEE Journal):
*Preprocessing and training new dataset
*Increase system reliability for HAR model → federated learning scenario
*Consider new dataset → working on simulation using new dataset
*Comparing with existing model → working on simulation using existing model approach
*Continue paper writing → update and fixing literature review

Project Progress

Manufacturing Execution System (EMS) and HAR for Interactive Avatar in Metaverse

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

MES project
# Continue paper review for 2nd phase project topic (Routing Optimization) → Meta-Heuristic approach
Paper 7: A Green Location-Inventory-Routing Optimization Model with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery Under Disruption Risks
Paper 8: Multi-Objective Scheduling in the Vegetable Processing and Packaging Facility using Metaheuristic-based Framework

HAR for Interactive Avatar in Metaverse Project
# Develop skeleton-based mocap for multi person pose estimation
# Try to integrate skeleton-based mocap with unreal engine platform
# Continue learn about mediapipe and try to implement it
# Weekly meeting with team
# Continue paper writing

This Week's Project

MES project
# Continue paper review for 2nd phase project topic (Routing Optimization) → Meta-Heuristic approach
Paper 7: A Green Location-Inventory-Routing Optimization Model with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery Under Disruption Risks
Paper 8: Multi-Objective Scheduling in the Vegetable Processing and Packaging Facility using Metaheuristic-based Framework
# Summarize the paper review based on the format

HAR for Interactive Avatar in Metaverse Project
# Develop pose estimation using mediapipe mocap framework
# Try to integrate mediapipe and UE using the plugin
# Finishing the mediapipe-UE plugin building issue
# Weekly meeting with team
# Continue paper writing

Monthly Goals

Monthly Goals
1. Finishing paper writing for international and domestic conferences, and international journal
2. Finishing project tasks based on project time schedule
3. Finishing project paper writing
4. Finishing winter intensive paper

Annual Goals

2023 Goals:
1. Submit at least two SCI or SCIE journals
{IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management}(Submitted, November 4th, 2022)(Under Review)

2. Attend one international conference
{ICC Workshop 2023} (Under Review)

3. Attend one domestic conference