

2월 6, 2023 - 2월 12, 2023


Made Adi Paramartha Putra
- Title 6: Data Prediction-Based Energy-Efficient Architecture in Industrial Internet of Things - IEEE Sensors Journal(Submitted)

- Title 7: Efficient 3D Printer Fault Classification using Multi-Block 2D Convolutional Neural Network - KICS Journal (Accepted)

- Title 8: Composite Multi-Directional LSTM for Accurate Prediction of Energy Consumption - ICOIN (Accepted)

- Title 9: Fault Detection in 3D Printers using an Improved YOLOv5 with Hyperparameter Tuning - KICS Fall 2021 (Accepted)

- Title 10: FDP: A Fog Data Prediction Testbed Architecture to Enhance IoT Sensor Lifetime - ICC (Rejected)(On Revision)

- Title 11: FDPR: A Fog Data Prediction and Recovery Algorithm in IoT Networks- Winter Intensive - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Rejected) (On Revision)

- Title 12: Towards Delay Aware Data Recovery using Deep Learning in Embedded IoT Application - KICS Winter 2022 (Accepted)

- Title 13: Adaptive Data Prediction Protocol for IoT Application - IEEE Journal

- Title 14: Design and Implementation of 3D Printer Monitoring System for Industries - ICT Express - 3D Printer Project

- Title 15: IDS Survey - with Gabriel and Mark

- Title 16: Time-efficient Sensor Data Prediction using iDC-MLP Algorithm for Industrial IoT - ETFA 2022 -> ICC 2023 (Submitted)

- Title 17: 3DFed: A Secure Federated Learning-based System for Fault Detection in 3D Printer Industry - ICTC 2022 (Accepted)

- Title 18: ACS: Accuracy-Based Client Selection Mechanism for Federated Industrial IoT - Internet of Things - Summer Intensive 2022 (Accepted)

- Title 19: DL-Based AUV Position Prediction Using Odometry Data for Internet of Underwater Things - ICMIC 2022 (Accepted)

- Title 20: Hierarchical Federated Transfer Learning for Efficient Fault Detection in Additive Manufacturing - IEEE TNSM Special Issue on FL (Rejected -> On Revision)

- Title 21: Towards Accuracy-Aware Client Selection in Federated Learning - KICS Fall 2022 (Accepted)

- Title 22: Federated Learning-Enabled Digital Twin for Smart Additive Manufacturing Industry - ICAIIC 2023 (Submitted)

-Title 23: Three-Stage Optimization for Efficient Federated Learning in Industrial IoT Network - IoT Journal (Winter Intensive 2023)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 16: ICC 2023
- Paper Rejected
- Prepare for workshop submission

Title 20: IEEE TNSM
- Paper Rejected
- Go through the review comment and prepare for the resubmission

Title 22: ICAIIC
- Prepare for accommodation and transportation

Title 23: IoT Journal
- Prepare the second phase winter intensive
- Conduct an additional literature review

This Week Todo's

Title 16: ICC 2023
- Paper submitted to ICC Workshop

Title 20: IEEE TNSM
- Continue to read the review comments and find the possible solutions

Title 22: ICAIIC
- Discuss with Dr. Nyoman about the MoU with Telkom University and STMIK Primakara

Title 23: IoT Journal - Winter Intensive
- Finalize the results
- Continue paper writing

Project Progress

3D Printer Monitoring & Dataset Validation

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Finalize the final report for the dataset validation
- Update the program development status on GitHub

This Week's Project

- Waiting for a new task from Professor

Monthly Goals

- Submit Winter Intensive 2022 ( )
- Submit 3D dataset to IEEE Dataport (✓)
- Collect preliminary results for Winter Intensive 2022 ( )

Annual Goals

Accepted in 2 Local and International Conference: ()
- ICAIIC (✓)

* Accepted in 2 Journal (SCI / SCIE):
- Submission to IEEE Sensors Journal (Under Review)
- Submission to Elsevier IoT (Under Review)
- Submission to IEEE TNSM (Rejected -> Under Revision for Resubmission on IEEE TNSM)