

2월 6, 2023 - 2월 12, 2023


Title 1: Basic Safety Messages Authentication System for Connected Vehicles using a Novel Hyper-Tuned Ensemble Algorithm (ICT Express)

Title 2: Optimization of RBF-SVM Kernel using Grid Search Algorithm for Detecting DDoS Attack in SDN-Based VANET (IEEE IoT Journal)

Title 3: Falsification Detection System (FDS) in IoV using Randomized Parameter Optimization Ensemble Algorithm (IEEE ITS)

Title 4: Intelligent Misbehavior Detection in Digital Twin-Based VANET using Grid Search Optimization (Thesis)

Title 5: Seoul-Simu: A Dataset for Evaluating Vehicular Traffic Misbehavior in Asian Vehicular Traffic Scenario (On- Hold)
Target: IEEE Journal (Scope - Vehicular Networks)

Title 6: A Comprehensive Survey of Misbehavior Detection and Machine Learning for Vehicular Networks (VANETs) and Internet of Vehicles (IoV)- Survey Paper -On Hold

Title 7: Blockchain-Based Scheme for Securing VANET Traffic Data

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: Published in ICT Express; Waiting for volume and issue Number, doi:

Title 2: (i) Early Access- IEEE IoT; Waiting for volume and issue Number, doi:

Title 3: Early Access- IEEE-ITS; Waiting for volume and issue Number, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3233536.

Title 4: Thesis-

(i) Still Preparing paper portfolio for archiving (Digital Portfolio Uploaded on NSL Website)

Title 5: In Progress

Title 6: In Progress

Title 7: Still Brainstorming

This Week Todo's

Title 1: Published in ICT Express; Waiting for volume and issue Number, doi:

Title 2: (i) Early Access- IEEE IoT; Waiting for volume and issue Number, doi:

Title 3: Early Access- IEEE-ITS; Waiting for volume and issue Number, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3233536.

Title 4: Thesis-

(i) Still Preparing paper portfolio for archiving - Deadline (February) (Digital Portfolio Uploaded on NSL Website)

Title 5: On Hold

Tile 6: On Hold

Title 7: Still Brainstorming

Project Progress


10% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Studying Background Concepts of Blockchain

-Paper Survey: (i) A Scalable Blockchain-based Scheme for Traffic-related Data Sharing in VANETs

(ii) Robust Blockchained Federated Learning with Model Validation and Proof-of-Stake Inspired Consensus

-Genesis block Implementation

This Week's Project

- Connect two nodes on a Blockchain network and begin mining

- Understand the concept of Proof of Stake/Work and Elapsed Time

- Continue Udemy Course on Proof of Stake Implementation

Monthly Goals

(i) Submit NSL Paper Portfolio

(ii) Study other Blockchain security Requirements for Vehicular Systems and Networks (Blockchain and Node Based Authentication Mechanisms)

(iii) Complete Proof of Stake Implementation

(iv) Gain at least 40% background knowledge about Blockchain

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least two Domestic Conferences

2. Attend at least two International Conferences

3. Submit at least three International Journals

4. Published in at least two SCI Journals

2022 Goals Achieved

International Journal
1. Ad-Hoc Network Acceptance (Volume March 2023)
2. IEEE IoT Accepted (Early Access- Waiting for Volume and Issue Number)
3. ICT Express Accepted (Waiting for Volume and Issue Number)
4. IEEE ITS (Early Access- Waiting for Volume and Issue Number)

International Conference
4. ICAIIC 2022
5. ICTC 2022

Domestic Conferences
6. KICS Winter 2022
7. KICS Summer 2022 (Best Paper Award)
8. KICS Fall 2022

2021 Goals Achieved
1. ETFA 2021
2. ICTC 2021
3. KICS Summer 2021
4. KICS Fall 2021