

2월 20, 2023 - 2월 26, 2023


Ebuka Nkoro
Title 1: Industrial Network Attack Vulnerability Detection and Analysis using Shodan Eye Scanning Technology.
Target: ICTC 2022(Accepted).

Title 2: Real-Time QR Code License Plate Detection in Vehicles Using Pyzbar.
Target: KICS Fall(Accepted).

-----> UDetect: Anonymous Network Traffic Classification in the Metaverse with Union Feature Selection (in progress).

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Winter Intensive Paper Writing

Improved model results

(Results, Conclusion and proofreading)

This Week Todo's

Deploy Machine learning results using "Flask".

Discuss Results obtained in Paper.

Write conclusion and Abstract.

Submit for internal Review

Project Progress

Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management

45% Progress
Last Week's Project

Studied Unreal Engine (Blue Prints)

This Week's Project

Investigate ML deployment in unreal engine

create workflow for learning

Study related implementation journals

Check out python BMM

Monthly Goals

--> Complete Winter Intensive Paper and Obtain feedback/corrections.
--> Successfully carry out anonymous traffic classification with optimal results.

Annual Goals

1.Study Digital Twins, unreal engine and master at least 1 Realtime Cybersecurity Tool
2.Complete Three Journal Papers
3.Complete 3 Domestic Conference Papers
4.Complete 2 International Conferences
5.Build and deploy a digital twin application