

2월 20, 2023 - 2월 26, 2023


Title 1: Smart Metering Net-Energy Prediction for Distributed Generation
Target: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid / Status: Processing

Title 2: Use of Federated Learning for Resume Classification and Ranking
Target: IEEE Transactions on Big Data / Status: Processing

20% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: (a) Determine existing problems on net energy metering
(b) Determine reliable solutions for determined problems
(c) Pin-point determined problem
(d) Find other related technologies

Title 2: (a) Identifying Datasets for Resume Classification
(b) Identify models which can be used for said datasets

Mentorship Program with Mentor
- Complete Course Registration
- Present narrowed down topics for research area
- Received guidelines for seminar

This Week Todo's

Title 1: (a) Survey Papers on Net-Energy Prediction
(b) Identify dataset used and try to reimplement
(c) Identify gaps in existing papers
(d) Find other related technologies

Title 2: (a) Identifying Datasets for Resume Classification
(b) Identify models which can be used for said datasets

Mentoring session with Mentor
-Extraction of useful data from selected papers for research specifications
-Fundamentals of Paper Writing
-Preparations for NSL Seminars

Project Progress

Job Matching AI for PWDs

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Submit algorithm for Proposal to Prof. Lee
- Adjust public dataset for customization for PWD tagging
- Survey method of dataset analysis and current structure of proposed algorithm

This Week's Project

- Adjust public dataset for customization for PWD tagging
- Confirm method of dataset analysis and current structure of proposed algorithm

Monthly Goals

1. Prepare Capstone Project for incoming Semester
2. Finalize Paper to be presented for NSL Seminar
3. Narrow down research topic guided by mentor

Annual Goals

1. To attend at least 3 conferences (1 International, 2 domestic)
2. To submit at least 4 articles (0/4)
3. To publish at least 2 articles (0/2)