

2월 27, 2023 - 3월 5, 2023


Title 1: Duplicate Audio Data Detection Model Based on IPFS and Blockchain using Smart Contract
Submitted to: KICS Winter 2022 (accepted)

Title 2: HADES: Hash-based Audio Detection System for Copyright Protection in Decentralized Music Sharing Platform
Submitted to: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (accepted)

Title 3: Genuine-assurance Scheme for Digital Assets Validation using Blockchain Technology
Submitted: KICS Summer 2022 (accepted)

Title 4: Blockchain-based Digital Badge for Academic Achievement Using Non-transferrable NFT
target: KICS Fall 2022 (accepted)

Target 5: Blockchain Private Key Storage System using Nano IoT (collaboration work)
Target: IEEE Journal

Target 6: Counterfeit Detection in Audio NFT Marketplace Using Watermarking
Target: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

Target 7: Watermarking-based Fake Audio NFT Detection in NFT Marketplace
Target: KICS Winter 2023 (accepted)

79% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 6:
- Continue to write the paper
- Started combining the detection algorithms into one
- Started connecting with the web3

This Week Todo's

Title 6:
- Continue to write the paper
- continue to combine the detection algorithms into one
- continue to connect with the web3

Project Progress


50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Pure Wallet:
- Added a function to record the transaction history in the pure wallet smart contract
- Created a functional ERC-20 token
- Deployed a dummy ERC-20 token to the public test network
- Link the dummy token to the smart contract

This Week's Project

Pure Wallet:
- Create a function for depositing and redeeming for each token (ETH, USDC, USDT)
- Continue to code for linking the dummy token to the smart contract
- Refactor the smart contract code to be more efficient

Monthly Goals

1. Complete the related works section of title 6
2. Finish watermarking method code and smart contract for title 6
3. Attend the domestic conference (KICS)

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least one international journal
2. Attend one international and one domestic conference
3. Finish the Pure Wallet project