

8월 25, 2014 - 8월 31, 2014


Reinhard Exel, Member, IEEE "Mitigation of Asymmetric Link Delays in IEEE 1588 Clock Synchronization Systems" IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL. 18, NO. 3, MARCH 2014

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

(A) Modify domestic paper
(B) Make a idea for new paper
(C) Writing paper for domestic journal, Will get a good grade of OPIC, Complete the domestic journal

* start of samsung tales fund / reservation of ticket

* make a document for NRF

* study English spesking test

This Week Todo's

(A) Modify domestic paper
(B) Survey paper subject about BAN and Military for asymmetric networks
(C) Writing paper for domestic journal, Will get a good grade of OPIC, Complete the domestic journal

* start of samsung tales fund / reservation of ticket

* make a document for NRF

* study English spesking test

Project Progress

Samsung Thales project for performance evaluation of virtualization

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

(A) Servey Xen server vatualization, Will test virtualization in tales(Xen/VMware)

(B) Server Virtualization (Linux)

(C)Goal : Apply virtualiㅣzation on navel combat system

This Week's Project

(A) Servey Xen server vatualization, Will test virtualization in tales(Xen/VMware)

(B) Server Virtualization (Linux)

(C)Goal : Apply virtualiㅣzation on navel combat system

Monthly Goals

Setup the XenDesktop environment on the navel combat system
Make a good English skill
Make a simulation result about my project

Annual Goals

Writing paper for international conference
Make a good goal of Samsung-Thales project
Make a good English skill and get the score of speaking test