

2월 27, 2023 - 3월 5, 2023


Title 1: Smart Metering Net-Energy Prediction for Distributed Generation
Target: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid / Status: Processing

Title 2: Use of Federated Learning for Resume Classification and Ranking
Target: IEEE Transactions on Big Data / Status: Processing

20% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: (a) Survey Papers on Net-Energy Prediction
(b) Identify dataset used and try to reimplement
(c) Identify gaps in existing papers
(d) Find other related technologies

Title 2: (a) Identifying Datasets for Resume Classification
(b) Identify models which can be used for said datasets

Mentoring session with Mentor
-Extraction of useful data from selected papers for research specifications
-Fundamentals of Paper Writing
-Preparations for NSL Seminars

This Week Todo's

Title 1: (a) Experiment on datasets acquired and LSTM application
(b) Create paper outline and paragraph headings

Title 2: (a) Survey Papers

Mentoring session with Mentor
- In-depth methods of dataset acquisition from different references and repositories
- Paper outlining and organization
- Research and study on different activation functions and their uses

Project Progress

Job Matching AI for PWDs

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Adjust public dataset for customization for PWD tagging
- Confirm method of dataset analysis and current structure of proposed algorithm

This Week's Project

- Determine criterion for first phase selection
- Identify PWD tags to be used

Monthly Goals

1. Prepare Capstone Project for incoming Semester
2. Select 2 Papers to be presented for NSL Seminar (done)
3. Narrow down research topic guided by mentor (done)

Annual Goals

1. To attend at least 3 conferences (1 International, 2 domestic)
2. To submit at least 4 articles (0/4)
3. To publish at least 2 articles (0/2)