

9월 1, 2014 - 9월 7, 2014


Title: Reconstruct Unrecoverable Data in Real-Time Networks using Bezier Curve (Agung's Paper)
Journal: IET Communications (Submitted)

Title: Data reconstruction over Compressive Sampling Using a Bezier Curve
Journal: AEU Journal (Submitted)

Title : LDPC Decoding Scheme of Error Correction: MIL-STD 1553 System

Title : Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Multicast Communication in Tactical Networks
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Under Revision)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Help Agung to check his paper "Male-Silkmoth-Inspired Routing Algorithm for Large-Scale Wireless Mesh Networks".

- Check his Response to Reviewer.

This Week Todo's

-Submit Agung Paper "Male-Silkmoth-Inspired Routing Algorithm for Large-Scale Wireless Mesh Networks".

-Revised Rate Adaptation paper.

Project Progress

Desktop Virtualization

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

waiting for another task to make server virtualization

This Week's Project

waiting for another task to make server virtualization

Monthly Goals

Finish the LDPC paper and submit it to Journal.
Finish Samsung Thales project
Finish to revised Agung's paper

Annual Goals

Submit minimum 2 journal papers and some International conferences.
Make a tutorial for VMWare project