

3월 13, 2023 - 3월 19, 2023


Title 1: Intelligent Net-Metering Energy Prediction utilizing Optimized LSTM Neural Network Model
Target: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid / Status: Processing

Title 2: Machine Learning-based Digital Twin of a Battery Management System in Unreal Engine
Target: KICS Summer 2023 / Status: Processing (co-work with Judith and Robin)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: (a) Determine Papers which utilized same dataset as chosen
(b) Approach and challenge existing works by reimplementation

Title 2: (a) Read on 2023 Weekly Report of BMS Project

Mentoring session with Mentor
-Receive guidance for capstone presentation
-Received guidelines and tips on preparing for NSL seminar presentation
-Approach and challenge model design and simulation for research paper

This Week Todo's

Title 1: (a) Determine Papers which utilized same dataset as chosen
(b) Approach and challenge existing works by reimplementation

Title 2: (a) Co-work with Robin for workflow diagram
(b) Identify dataset to work with
(c) List down parameters as target function for prediction/optimization

Mentoring session with Mentor
- Review of current status of Title 1
- Identify key points to defend in paper writing
- Send seminar presentation to Mentor for initial checking

Project Progress

Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Scanned 2023 Weekly Report
2. Surveyed Papers on BMS Technology

This Week's Project

1. Research on how to use AI for battery digital twin for UnrealEngine
2. Draw a workflow that outlines the steps to take to achieve it.
3. Look for available dataset on IEEE Dataport for Machine Learning training

Monthly Goals

1. Present NSL seminar
2. Finish Implementation Title 1

Annual Goals

1. To attend at least 3 conferences (1 International, 2 domestic)
2. To submit at least 4 articles (0/4)
3. To publish at least 2 articles (0/2)