

3월 13, 2023 - 3월 26, 2023



2% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Mentoring session:

- Meeting with the project leader
Arranged to Blockchain Team.

- Selected 2 journal papers from NSL publications
HADES: Hash-based Audio Copy Detection System for Copyright Protection in Decentralized Music Sharing
Smart auto mining (SAM) for industrial IoT blockchain network

This Week Todo's

Introduction of Blockchain by project leader
- Theory of Blockchain
- Blockchain implementation use cases
- Learn consensus algorithm (POW, POS, POA)
- Type of Blockchain network
- Hashing in Blockchain

Project Progress

Blockchain (Medical Record)

1% Progress
Last Week's Project

Introduction to blockchain projects

This Week's Project

Introduction of Project (Medical Records)
- Background
- Current status of the project

Monthly Goals

- Preparation for the project
- Select papers for seminar presentation
- Determine the research area

Annual Goals

- Submit to an international journal paper
- Submit to two domestic conferences