

3월 20, 2023 - 3월 26, 2023


Title 1: Smart Net-Metering Prediction Utilizing Attention-Based Long Short-Term Memory
Target: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid / Status: Processing

Title 2: Machine Learning-based Digital Twin of a Battery Management System in Unreal Engine
Target: KICS Summer 2023 / Status: Processing (co-work with Judith and Robin)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: (a) Determine Papers which utilized same dataset as chosen
(b) Approach and challenge existing works by reimplementation

Title 2: (a) Co-work with Robin for workflow diagram
(b) Identify dataset to work with
(c) List down parameters as target function for prediction/optimization

Mentoring session with Mentor
- Review of current status of Title 1
- Identify key points to defend in paper writing
- Send seminar presentation to Mentor for initial checking

This Week Todo's

Title 1: (a) Update Implementation and System Methodology in Paper

Title 2: (a) Identify Parameters and System Models to be used
(b) Reimplementation

Mentoring session with Mentor
- Review of Seminar PPT
- Practice Presentation of Seminar

Project Progress

Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Research on how to use AI for battery digital twin for UnrealEngine
2. Draw a workflow that outlines the steps to take to achieve it.
3. Look for available dataset on IEEE Dataport for Machine Learning training

This Week's Project

1. Create AI-based Workflow for Unreal Engine Digital Twin Implementation
2. Survey on Integration of AI models in Unreal Engine

Monthly Goals

1. Present NSL seminar
2. Finish Implementation Title 1

Annual Goals

1. To attend at least 3 conferences (1 International, 2 domestic)
2. To submit at least 4 articles (0/4)
3. To publish at least 2 articles (0/2)