

9월 1, 2014 - 9월 7, 2014


Distributed Cooperative Transmission for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

45% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1 revise error in my paper
2 finish studying C programming
3 study TOEIC RC/LC for 3 hours per day

This Week Todo's

1 update the paper(adapt the idea)
2 listen and study to a free online lecture about C++
3 study TOEIC RC/LC for 1.5 hours per day

Project Progress


50% Progress
Last Week's Project

서버 반납하고 kvm 할당

This Week's Project

kvm(Kernel-based virtual Machine)-redhat에대한 조사
1) 장단점
2) 타사 제품과 비교
3) 가상화제품 사용해본 후 후기

Monthly Goals

9월 목표

1. listen and study to a free online lecture about C++ for 4 weeks, other 2 weeks’ lecture will be finished
2. study TOEIC RC/LC for 1 or 2 hours per day to get score 800
3. update idea about my paper

Annual Goals

1 publish the paper in SCI grade
2 get score 800 in TOEIC level 6 in TOEIC SPEAKING
3 Learning simulation tools(OPNET, MATLAB)
4 Learning C,C++, etc for programming