

4월 3, 2023 - 4월 9, 2023


Title 1: ALIEN: Assisted Learning Invasive Encroachment Neutralization for Secured Drone Transportation System
Target: Sensors (Accepted)

Title 2: Drone Transportation System: Circumspect Review of Security Dynamics for Smart Mobility
Target: IEEE IoT/Journal of Air transport Management (In Revision)

Title 3: X-CID: Exhaustive Ensemble Technique for Cyber Invasion Detection in Drone Transportation Network
Target: ICC 2023 Workshop on CyberNet (Accepted but Withdrawn)

Title 4: CIS-WQMS: Connected Intelligence Smart Water Quality Monitoring Scheme
Target: Internet of Things Elsevier (In Revision)

Title 5: BANDA: A Novel Blockchain-Assisted Network for Drone Authentication
Target: ICUFN/ IEEE VTS (Under Review/Processing)

Title 6: Security and Preservation of Medical IoT Record: A Survey (Project Paper and Collaboration)
Target: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (Under Review)

Title 7: Drone Transportation System: Systematic Review of Smart Mobility Security Dynamics and Dereliction
Target: IET Intelligent Transport System (Under Review)

Title 8: DC-BANDA: Decentralized Collaborative Blockchain-Assisted Network for Drone Authentication
Target: PhD Thesis (Processing)

Title 9: Current Status and Prospects of Drone Defense System Technology
Target: KICS Magazine (Processing)

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2:
-Finalized response to the review comments

-Submitted the revised manuscript to the journal

Title 4:

-Updated manuscript in line with review comments
-Performed plagiarism check on revised manuscript
-Submitted revised manuscript to journal

Title 5:
-Awaited review comments
-Expanded journal version of paper
Title 6:
-Adjusted paper content with newer details
-Got approval from professor on choice of journal submission
-Submitted paper to the journal

Title 7:
-Awaited review comments

Title 8:
-Updated thesis content in line with modifications from my supervisor

Title 9:
-Suspended temporarily to focus on PhD Thesis

Mentoring session with Mentee
-Prepared mentee for NSL seminar presentation
-Had a mock presentation session with mentee

This Week Todo's

Title 2:
-Awaiting review comment and possible paper acceptance

Title 4:
-Awaiting review comment and possible paper acceptance

Title 5:
-Awaiting review comment and possible paper acceptance
- To re-simulate the proposed algorithm on other networks
-To expand the decentralized application
-To modify paper title based on professors’ instruction

Title 6:
-Awaiting review comment

Title 7:
-Awaiting review comment

Title 8:
-Continue with thesis writing

Mentoring session with Mentee
-To continue to guide mentee on research writing
-To guide mentee on preparation for KICS conference paper writing

Project Progress

Development of Blockchain-Based Medical IoT Record Preservation

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Had a brainstorming session with team members
-Reviewed progress of project phase
-Modified survey paper in line with directives
-Submitted survey paper to journal

This Week's Project

-To continue with technical paper writing
-To brainstorm with team members

Monthly Goals

-To have firm grip of Blockchain technology
-To conclude and submit PhD Thesis
-To present PhD Thesis to NSL

Annual Goals

-To attend at least 5 conferences (3 International, 2 domestic)
-To submit at least 8 articles (6 achieved=75%)
-To publish at least 5 articles (1 achieved=20%)
-To graduate and commence job prospecting