

4월 3, 2023 - 4월 9, 2023



5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Preparing seminar presentation
-Learning Smart Contracts (Remix)

This Week Todo's

- Continue seminar presentation preparation
- Continue Studying Security level tests in Blockchain

Project Progress

Blockchain (Medical Record)

4% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Discuss with Simeon and Odi to understand the MIR project.
- Discuss with Saviour and Odi to understand the progress of the smart contract in the medical IoT record project.
- Create a simplified flowchart for the smart contract.
- Extract information from the existing smart contract and assess potential areas for further development.

This Week's Project

1. Continue my blockchain studies
2. Discuss the updated Smart Contract with Saviour.
3. Assist Odi in preparing for the smart contract deployment test.

Monthly Goals

- Finalize research area
- Finish the smart contract course
- Present at the NSL seminar
- Determine the research area

Annual Goals

- Submit to an international journal paper
- Submit to two domestic conferences