

4월 10, 2023 - 4월 16, 2023


Title 1: Aerial Supervision of Drones and Other Flying Objects Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Target: ICAIIC 2022 Conference (Accepted)

Title 2: Enhanced Deep Learning Scheme Based On PANet for Real-Time Detection of Tomato Diseases.
Target: IEEE Intelligent Systems (Under Review)

Title 3: Hierarchical Intrusion Detection System for Secured Military Drone Network: A Perspicacious
Target: MILCOM 2022 (Accepted)

Title 4: VisioNET Dataset: An Aerial Dataset for Scenario-Based Multi-Drone Detection and Identification
Research (Anti-drone project)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Title 5: Scalable Out-of-Core Learning Model for Intrusion Detection System on the Internet of Drones
Target: KICS Summer 2022 (Accepted)

Title 6: Vision-Based Framework for Aerial Recognition of Drones and Birds in Ground-to-Air Networks
Target: IoT Elsevier (Under Review)

Title 7: Cyber Edge Intelligent Intrusion Detection Framework For UAV Network Based on Random Forest
Target: ICTC 2022 (Accepted)

Title 8: Efficient Intrusion Detection Model for Securing the Communication Links of Internet of Drone
Network (2022 Summer Intensive)
Target: Tentative

Title 9: RF-RSCV: Robust Security Framework Against Intrusions in the Internet of Drone Communication
Target: Journal of Communications and Networks (Under review)

Title 10: Mobility-Compliant Model in Drone-Based Sniffing Technique for Aerial Surveillance and Security
Target: KICS Fall 2022 (Accepted)

Title 11: DATA-FedAVG: Delay-Aware Truncated Accuracy-Based Federated Averaging for Intrusion Detection
in UAV Network (2023 Winter Intensive)
Target: KICS Journal

Title 12: Security and Preservation of Medical IoT Record: A Survey (Project Collaboration)
Target: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (Under Review)

Title 13: TFedAVG: Truncated Federated Averaging Optimization for Intrusion Detection in UAV Network
MSc Thesis: Processing

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments

Title 6: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments

Title 8: Paused until after thesis submission

Title 9: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments

Title 11: Submitted

Title 12: Under Review

Thesis Journey
i. Concluded with chapter 2 and discussed writing progress and challenges with my supervisor
ii. Run simulations for both centralized and federated AI models

This Week Todo's

Title 2: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments

Title 6: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments

Title 8: Run simulations with the new dataset gotten
ii. Complete the implementation of review comments

Title 9: Under review
Awaiting reviewers’ comments

Title 11: Under review

Title 13: Thesis Journey

i. Begin and complete chapter 3

ii. Run simulations with another dataset and model for robust performance evaluation

Project Progress

Development of a Blockchain-based Model for Medical IoT Surgical Robot

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

i. Brainstormed with team members for the next tasks; in line with project directions

ii. Continued surveying challenges and approaches of digital health certificates relating to blockchain
technology for proposed system enhancement.

This Week's Project

i. Have a brainstorming session with team members and possibly implement the proposed model

ii. Continue with paper survey

Monthly Goals

i. Complete and submit paper 8 and 11 for possible publications. (Paper 11 achieved)

ii. Complete all simulations with another dataset and model

ii. Conclude with thesis writing

Annual Goals

i. Acquire at least 2 journal publications (in the pipeline)

ii. Submit and get acceptance to all domestic and international conferences approved by professor

iii. Design a hybrid model for optimal drone detection:
Vision technique: (100% completed)
Sniffing technique: (20%) (paused)

iv. Submit and defend my thesis

v. Become an AI expert in both ML and DL techniques (still progressing)